60x92mm Standard Euro -160 pack, Thin Sleeves (SWN-025)
60x92mm Standard Euro -160 pack, Thin Sleeves (SWN-025)
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60x92mm Standard Euro -160 pack, Thin Sleeves (SWN-025)
This is the amazingly popular Swan PanAsia Sleeves, finally available in the USA! You are getting product code SWN-025. These are Swan Card Sleeves: 60x92 mm Std Euro -160 per pack. Note these sleeves are "Standard Thickness" so 50 microns thick. We also sell many sizes as Premium Sleeves meaning they are 90 microns thick.
These are recommended for the following games, the number after each game indicates how many cards of this size are in each game:
Age of Industry (Martin Wallace) 60
Age of Renaissance 100
Agricola 360
Agricola O-Deck 24
Agricola X-Deck 24
Agricola Z-Deck 24
Agricola: CZ-Deck 24
Agricola: Farmers of the Moor 153
Agricola: Gamers' Deck 120
Agricola: NL-Deck 60
Agricola: The Goodies Expansion 86
Agricola: The Legen*dairy Forest Deck 24
Aladdin's Dragons 70
Antike 48
Atlantic Star 132
Babel 105
Balloon Cup 50
Battlelore Bearded Brave 27
Battlelore Board Game 162
Battlelore: All other Expansions 60
Battlelore: Base Game + All Expansions: 678
Battlelore: Call To Arms 60
Battlelore: Code of Chivalry 14
Battlelore: Creatures 7
Battlelore: Dragons 7
Battlelore: Heroes 110
Battlelore: Scottish Wars 12
Bell-Bottomed Badassses on the Mean Streets of Funk 120
Beowulf: The Legend 110
Blue Moon City 80
Boomerang (2010) 54
Brass (Pegasus Edition) 66
Bucket King
Castle for All Seasons 42
Castle Merchants
Civilization (1981 Avalon Hill) 80
Cuba 41
Cuba: El Presidente Exp. 14
Cyclades 50
Cyclades: Hades & Manticore Expansions 31
Der Herr der Ringe: Die Gefährten, Das Kartenspiel
Der Herr der Ringe: Die Zwei Türme
Dice Town 45
Dice Town Extension 51
Die Säulen von Venedig 31
Discworld: Ankh-Morpork 131
Dominion Alchemy Expansion 150
Dominion Base Cards 120
Dominion Cornicopia 150
Dominion Game 500
Dominion Hinterlands 300
Dominion Intrigue 470
Dominion Prosperity Expansion 300
Dominion Seaside Expansion 300
Dominion: Base game + All expansions 2255
Dominion: Various small promo packs 11
Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde 28
Drum Roll 99
Duel In the Dark 53
Duel in the Dark – Baby Blitz 64
Edel, Stein & Reich 90
El Grande Decentennial 165
El Grande Decentennial Exp. NOT BASE GAME 32
Few Acres of Snow, A 110
Flaschenteufel 40
Fruit Fair 64
Hammer Of The Scots 25
Heave Ho! 55
Hellas 50
High Society (Gryphon) 55
I'm the Boss 208
Jambo 112
Jambo & Expansion 152
Jambo Expansion 40
Kahuna 24
Kakerlaken Poker 64
King Arthur - Das Kartenspiel 110
Kingdom Builder 35
Knights of Charlemagne
Le Havre 110
Le Havre: Le Grande Hameau Expansion 33
Lifeboats 60
London 110
Lord of the Rings 105
Lord of the Rings - Battlefields 50
Lord of the Rings - Friends & Foes 16
Lord of the Rings - Sauron Expansion 100
Lord of the Rings - The Duel 54
Lord of the Rings Trivia
Lord of the Rings: Confrontation
Mag·Blast Third Edition 180
Manhattan 45
Memoir '44 70
Memoir '44 - Air Pack 120
Memoir '44 - Operation Overlord 128
Memoir '44 Sword of Stalingrade 31
Memoir '44 Winter War 100
Merchants of Amsterdam 84
Municipium 24
Notre Dame 60
Olympia 2000
Perry Rhodan: Die Kosmische Hanse 55
Phase 10 120
Pirates 2 ed. - Governor's Daughter (2010)
Princes of Florence 60
Princes of Florence -Muse & Princess Exp. 6
RAF: The Battle of Britain 1940 165
Rallyman (2009) 165
Relationship Tightrope
Road Kill Rally 172
Saga 66
San Juan 110
Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas 110
Scarab Lords 84
Set 120
Starship of Catan 100
Stone Age 36
Stop it! 150
Summoner Wars 140
Summoner Wars Cloaks Faction Deck 35
Summoner Wars Fallen Kingdom Faction Deck 35
Summoner Wars Filth Faction Deck 36
Summoner Wars Goodwin's Blade Reinforement Pack 35
Summoner Wars Grungor's Charge 32
Summoner Wars Guild Dwarves vs. Cave Goblins 70
Summoner Wars Hawk's Strike 35
Summoner Wars Jungle Elves 35
Summoner Wars Phoenix Elves Vs. Tundra Orcs 70
Summoner Wars Piclo's Magic Reinforemsnets 32
Summoner Wars Rukar's Power 35
Summoner Wars Vanguards Faction Deck 35
Summoner Wars: Master Set 225
Taj Mahal 100
Teutons (2010)
Times Square 55
Top Race!
Torres 55
Troyes 56
Troyes: Bonus Cards 4
Warhammer Quest 105
Warhammer Quest: Blank Event Cards Blister Pack 21
Warhammer Quest: Catacombs of Terror 36
Warhammer Quest: Lair of the Orc Lord 36
Warhammer Quest: Treasure Card Pack #1 55
Warhammer Quest: Treasure Card Pack #2 55
Warhammer Quest: Treasure Card Pack #3 55
Warhammer Quest: White Dwarf Magazines 36
Warriors + Dragon Hordes 165
We Didn't Playtest This At All 52
Witch's Brew 99
You're Bluffing! 95
Yspahan 18
*All trademarks are the property of their respective rights holders. No infringement or endorsement of our product is expressed or implied. No challenge to any intellectual property rights is intended or implied by representations of compatibility. No endorsements of any of our products by any other company is implied or represented. Games mentioned are © their respective companies.